view urbanesque localest
thru the one window, past the greenery growing
this side of the pane
into the backway and cemented-over yard
with its clothesless clothesline no clothespins
past the obtruding dark green of the garage
along the backway to the dark brown gate
noticing the h+laticed greyed-out wood fence
dividing the yard and way from those of the neighbour
jumping the gate and the unseen laneway
to the fresh wood of cross-laneway neighbour's
gateway new and h+er than this side of the lane
to the light brick and green shingles
of the neighbour's add-on, then
to the dark brick windows three-storyed wall
of the neighbour's house proper, then up
my eyes wander to the eavesless tinning
of the unseen roof opposite, a line
separating human habitate from grey sky stretching
its solid cloud-cover above
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