Sunday, December 25, 2005

Xyba, your visual

Comment: Christmas Greeting

A marvellous visual - it spoke right to my heart. At my-group blog, refWrite, I "purloined" a email shoppingletter visual. I can't help but ask - you know, the way the concentrated focus in the light and in the quickly deepened shadows radiating out, we see hints of faces and terrain. And then again the focus: we feel welcomed into the adoration of our Lord Jesus when He was born, pouring out His deity (but not His Godhood-Trinit, which He perichoretically transformed when He (which theology brings under the category "Pre-Creation Pre-Cosmic Christ") because of perichoresis, God transformed from a Pre-Incarnation moment, followed by a Post-Incarnation moment which perdured perhaps some thirty-three years - in becoming human/God UNMIXED! a person of flesh and blood and subject to all the frailties flesh is heir to, but always the dangling mystery of what else there was about Him.

-- [This thawt is troo to the Gifted Meta-metaphor: In the beginning is the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Who is this? who is said to be "the Word"? - why, just look in the basket in the barnyard. There he radiates gloriously, blindingly if you look directly into the light. And again, there's that lite-motif in this visual! ] --

and marked with gender, height, weight, body hair - colour, kink, distribution, eyebrows, beard - facial features, not necessarily without flaws as tho judgeable in the same manner as moderns do in making aesthetics-judgements of Michelangelo's /David, or /Diskobolos. That blindingly radiating Jesus Child in the feed-bin for the animals, we presume (but in this painting on the Net, I can't see any animals, for sure. Well, actually, in my case, I don't see any at all. But my eyes these years ....

Thank you too for the "caption" - yegads!. the verse is the same as on my-group's refWrite blog entry. Anyway, Xyba, sir or madame or miss, a glorious visual you post for this very day's blog entry!

Posted by: Politicarp at December 25, 2005 04:00 AM