Format for Laundromat
Yeah, laundromat. I finally excized my layers of laundry
out of depositoria in my digs, removing them into a great
oblong wicker basket, with handles of the same, full of:
underwear, jeans, comforter for cold nites, towels,
towels, towels. facecloths, dishclothes general purpose
usage (not dishes, pots, pans, not that sort of thing), but
I had bawt sometime back a set of four strong woven
dishclothes with a blue pattern dyed in, blue with a little
black mixed-in, in thick stripes, the colour fading when
washed. A second trib included sheets and pillow cases.
Also there was a scarf, a woollen scarf, sort of Scottish
Tartan pattern of thin red and dark green lines on a
forest green field of background colour. I found a setting
on the governing dial of the laundromat washing machine.
I deposted my Loonie (my Canadian dollar coin composed
of all what metallurgically I don't know, and with it two
quarters). There's Laundress, I greet her warmly and
she's just come back from five days in Québec she replies
to my question about You've been to the beach! ... Yeah,
you're right tan on your legs, but I mean your nose is
red! Not somethin' like Wausaga Beach, but Québec,
where in Québec I don't know.
A young Miss comes in. She's outtuv hi-school,
university student?, I am so bold as to ask. No, working.
She is dressed in grays and black, a tailored knit gray
jacket, black jeans, quite lovely. Well, I'm washing my
scarf in plain water, since I have no special cleaner stuff
just for wool items. Do you know anything about how to
laundro woollens? She comes over and peers blankly
looking for ... here, you must be looking for the
settings see I've got the dial set on woollens....
and lookinside the lid, its charted. Woollens... short
coldwater wash and soak, spin ... she ageed that
there couldn't be anything wrong with a no-cleaner
wash, over lite, with mashed potatoes.
I do three washers, and three dryers, with different
temperatures and durations (according to the
number of quarters deposited at the outset), I have
become a veritable industrial operation. The longest
to dry, once dryed, I slip on over... I slip the jeans on
over my shoes, long stockings up to my knee, then
the jeans up over the first layer of bountiful belly, once
dryed on over the torn walking shorts I have on, the
pair with the slit down the center of the left leg ... an
embarrassment endured to get these ancient layers of
laundroNeed in my monastic cell of celibacy vowed
and kept, out the door in the wicker basket with the
Tide Ultradetergent registered and Marca Registrada.
- Owlb
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